Monday 16 July 2012

reasons to stay in bed.

At the moment I'm finding it increasingly difficult to actually get up on a morning. I was once a perennial early riser, midday was pretty much a dot on the horizon as I prepared to actually do something with my day.

Now, getting out of bed is an impossibility. Why? I think I've reduced it to about five factors.

1) Nothing to get up for that is more fun than sleep. How was it that once upon a time we would actually want to STAY UP?! Unless I'm going to the pub then I go to bed relatively early because it's a nice place to be.

2) Xbox- I don't really use my Xbox for what it's made for. I use it to watch films and TV shows because in the housing built before the days of TV signals, as well as the removal of the stronger analogue TV signal, getting any form of signal via an areal has now gone. I like TV, probably more than I should but seeing as the football has now gone then what better opportunity to catch up with my favourite shows?

3) Unexplained additional tiredness- I'm more tired! This probably should have been number one. It explains almost all of my issues. If you're more tired, you're going to spend more time in bed, that's a given.

4) Comfort- It's comfier to lounge around on something a) designed for your comfort and b) in your pants.

5) I can play music I love- There is never the dull, offset beat of 'niggas in paris' coming from my room, there just isn't. As things stand I'm on my second playback of 'For Emma, Forever Ago' by Bon Iver. Truly beautiful music.

So basically, until compelled to do something else, my bed is where I'll stay.

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