Friday 23 March 2012

anonymous hecklers

As far as challenges go; an active disagreement with somebody's blog is one that I would happily encourage, normally.

The issue I take with this band of hecklers is that they do everything under a disguise. They are happy to insult me and my writing but without the ability to show their face as they do so.

This is fortunate in one sense. It is fortunate for them; as many of my regular readers will be able to look at them and say 'what a freak' (as many have). It is also fortunate for me, because I love a debate, my degree is essentially in analytical argument and thus I find it relatively easy to respond to anything, particularly in writing.

As for the negatives; it is quite insulting. Not the part where they disagree, no, that's relatively simple to contend with, everyone's entitled to their opinion. It's the parts in which people insult my social skills, for example. So this is a challenge; if you consider your social repertoire to be even half of what mine is then don't spend your time sitting in front of a computer screen sending anonymous insults to someone who literally writes blogs because he gets up early in the morning thanks to a broken body clock and needs something to fill the time.

Or you could just show your face and I could at least know who I'm responding to.