Monday 12 March 2012

messy room

To those of you that don't know, I'm generally an obsessive compulsive cleaner.

This is predominantly my Mammy's fault, having been brought up in the tidiest house IN THE WORLD. Now though, the mess in my room somewhat accurately reflects my life; everything's a bit messy but it'll be relatively easy to clean up. The problem is, I just can't be bothered. I'm appreciative of more when things are messy; I thought I wasn't at first, but I've come to realise that the best way to live your life is without a masterplan; taking each day as it comes.

Admittedly, the mess can't omit too far. If I let people down because I can't keep track of everything then it'll be bad; I return to the key point of almost every other blog I've made, the thing we all need is simplicity. There is such thing as a simple mess. I can do the rudimentary stuff and let the mess go over my head all the time. Simple, yes?

Well, most certainly not. I think its time to tidy up.