Tuesday 17 April 2012

not a belieber.

I have, as many of you will already know, a very specific taste in music. I like stuff played on actual instruments and performed without intonation of the voice within one note (which admittedly is all Mariah Carey's fault).

I'm often told I'm "getting my indie on" thanks to my ridiculous dancing style or lack of intent to dance to shit. Not only are the majority of chart songs lacking in instrumental influence but also the lack of lyrical pizazz; I just don't like them for what they lack, I need songs to actually say something relevant to me. Give me 'Russian Literature' by Maximo Park over 'Baby' by Bieber. By comparison, 'more empty buildings, for invisible men, no market value to justify the price of the rent' or 'Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh.' What an offering Biebs, what an offering.

Not only that, but with pop music comes waves of fools hoping that one day their hero, for example, as my title pertains, Bieber, who exudes everything wrong with society, not so much for his music but for his incessant band of followers who have coined their own term, 'beliebers.' Now not to go on a rant for too long about the issues involved with the term, but WHAT?! I mean seriously, WHAT?!?! There's nothing to believe in, he exists for God's sake. They could claim that they believe in his ability, but this, my friends, is bollocks, because your belief in his ability is a naive belief that puberty will never directly affect his vocal chords. Here's news for you guys, it probably will, unless he's getting hormone treatment, in which case this is surely like doping in sport, but never mind.

So essentially the only thing I really want is for my music taste to be the generic taste of the world.

Or would that make it mainstream? Oh. Dear.