Thursday 14 June 2012

gay marriage

I saw a site earlier called 'Coalition For Marriage' [] and came to a realisation I hadn't previously made. I had thought I was against gay marriage in the Church. This was mainly down to the fact that the Church is against gay marriage and, to my knowledge, always has been. If you're the moral guidance centre for a lot of people, regularly changing your mind is a bad idea.

I read the contents of the site, however, and found it to be very, very aggressive. I am not allowed to quote it, but the basic jist is that the benefits of institution of marriage, as has been known for thousands of years, is the best institution and making changes to it would cause those benefits to be put into disrepute. Bollocks. Where is this evidence? Show it to us. Why not show us the benefits of equality? Why not show us the benefits of not hating someone for their beliefs? Why not teach us about the benefits of a loving family?

In fact, what I would say to any gay person is if that is what these people want marriage to be, then let them have it. Yes they can have their smiley faces on the day, but the only thing that you don't have is the blessing of the institution that dislikes your beliefs.

You don't need that. Nobody does.