Tuesday 20 March 2012

girls don't like nice boys

The age of charm has come to an end. Any man who considers himself to be anything less than a whore can agree on that.

I like to consider myself quite a charmer. Buying drinks; talking as if I'm not the only person in my world and just generally hoping to be interesting. The problem I've found recently is that nobody wants that. Girls are happy to walk past the nicest man in the room and go for an absolute anus.

This last Saturday I was standing near a girl (nothing more, just standing near), dancing and presumably complaining about the standard of the music to the people I was with. A man who for all intents and purposes appeared to be a complete stranger came up and slapped her square on the backside. How did she respond? She kissed him.

This is never, nor will it ever be, my style. Gentlemanly behaviour gets us all a long way in life; through jobs, friendships and various other types of relationship, if we actually choose to do it. The issue isn't with being a gent though. The issue is with what people look for. Are people consciously targeting being treated as second rate? "Treat 'em mean keep 'em keen?"

Bollocks. Not in my repertoire.