Sunday 25 March 2012

daylight saving problems.

I think it's about time we got rid of the daylight saving time system; purely on a selfish 'it seems to always come at an awkward time for me.'

This time last year we were frantically trying to get our portfolios done for our various modules; doing an all-nighter with an extra hour somewhere in the middle is not fun. This year I had a 6AM start to work; which essentially (as far as my body clock is concerned) means I have to get up at 4AM just to get into work. Bad, bad, bad times.

I just don't think an exhausted nation merits whatever it is we actually gain from this lost hour. As for those of you that had a lie in (you know, because it's Sunday and you can) you are the lucky ones; hopefully one day I'll be living it up in a school and not worrying about getting up at a time that is detramental to my sleep patterns.

It's time for sleep, definite bedtime when I finish work.