Saturday 21 April 2012

bahrain grand prix.

How could they possibly think it was a good idea to put a Grand Prix in Bahrain? A nation with security forces not trained for such a huge event; a nation with potentially hostile inhabitants; yeah should be fine, just cross our fingers and hope nothing goes wrong. Oh wait, the Grand Prix hasn't even happened yet and someone has been killed.

So what can be done? Well they can cancel the event; but would they do such a thing with such a massive money spinning event the day before it happens? Well of course not, because lives don't matter by comparison to money. This is clear throughout history; but as much today as ever. One life for hundreds of millions of pounds/dollars/whateverthehellbahriandealin? Deal. As long as someone's pocket is being lined then they just don't care.

The problem is, without this you can aim for ideals like Marxism, then it's goodbye normality and hello North Korea, but that's another rant for another day.

We are about to see the combination of a heavy handed police force and a controversial event; it is almost certain that lives will be lost in the next few days.

Better many disappointed about a sporting event being cancelled then any amount dead. Sod your money; no amount is worth lives.