Thursday 5 April 2012

avoidance of getting fat.

A four-months-too-late New Year's resolution; Larry got back to the gym today!

That, alongside a hangover was admittedly not my greatest idea. My physique, whilst apparently good is actually waning under the strain of excessive alcohol consumption and over-eating. Time to get on a treadmill and eat some pasta and drink something healthy without my usual pint-big mac-pint-big mac habit interrupting it.

I'm amazed that this phenomenon has only just hit my body. Twenty years of eating the most I physically could, every single day and now I can't and I need to diet (well, not diet but be more sensible). Boo-hoo.

Going to cook a chilli tonight. WIN! (mainly because if you ate chilli every day you would NEVER get fat. Little fact for you there guys, use it if you wish.