Saturday 10 March 2012

new game

I've been waiting for SUCH a long time for mass effect 3 to come out. This might sound incredibly nerdy, because it is. Thankfully, I don't care! Its marvellous that every now and again someone can say 'here's a hobby for the next two months, enjoy!' Simply excellent!

I'm not going to sit around on my arse until I get deep vein thrombosis; eating nothing but doritos and living my life through the game. That would be foolish. What I can do, though, is live as I always have, reaping the rewards of a day well spent studying; doing housework; or whatever I seem to have taken my hand to; and knuckling down to an hour or two of mild enjoyment of a game that is, if its predecessors are anything to go by, excellent.

But I'm not playing it yet, I have a hangover from two days spent in Newcastle drinking for birthdays of friends. Excellent time had by all (I hope).