Monday 19 March 2012


In philosophy we're currently ascertaining whether life has meaning.

Let me save you all the self-discovery; life has meaning because that's what we give it. Regardless of God; regardless of the depths of despair and regardless of pain. Life does have meaning.

How can I prove this? Well, I can't. Honestly wish I could, but it's not something I'm able to do. None of us can. We can, however, conclude that we aren't all nihilists (we don't all reject social norms and principles) and we live by norms and principles. As a result our meaning becomes the way in which we interact with others. If we focus upon ourself then we will end up not having any view on the important things in life and it will follow that we have nothing.

Live through interaction everyone; make life important. People make us who we are.

Or at least that's my angle.