Monday 23 April 2012

things that we just can't compare.

Yesterday I was talking to a classmate about the issues involved with comparison between Christianity and Islam. Now my knowledge of Christianity is somewhat limited because I don't take any particular interest in it; but I'd like to think I've seen enough of it in my life to be able to discuss it. Essentially though, belief in Jesus (as the son of God, as opposed to a prophet) is paramount.

The issue now with comparing it to Islam is that this is, for all intents and purposes, shirk as you are worshipping something that is not God. Shirk is the only unforgivable sin and exists due to the age of Jahilliyah in pre-Islamic Arabia. People worshipped idols, which filled the ka'ba; now the centre of Hajj (one of the five pillars). This, against the belief in God of monotheism, is wrong in the eyes of any Muslim. It is fortunate for Christians if Islam is the true religion as they see Muslims see Christians as 'People of the Book;' and thus can achieve the same paradise.

But naturally if you are, as a religious believer, breaking another religious believers' only unforgivable sin it would certainly be wrong of you to assume that you could compare the two.

Saturday 21 April 2012

bahrain grand prix.

How could they possibly think it was a good idea to put a Grand Prix in Bahrain? A nation with security forces not trained for such a huge event; a nation with potentially hostile inhabitants; yeah should be fine, just cross our fingers and hope nothing goes wrong. Oh wait, the Grand Prix hasn't even happened yet and someone has been killed.

So what can be done? Well they can cancel the event; but would they do such a thing with such a massive money spinning event the day before it happens? Well of course not, because lives don't matter by comparison to money. This is clear throughout history; but as much today as ever. One life for hundreds of millions of pounds/dollars/whateverthehellbahriandealin? Deal. As long as someone's pocket is being lined then they just don't care.

The problem is, without this you can aim for ideals like Marxism, then it's goodbye normality and hello North Korea, but that's another rant for another day.

We are about to see the combination of a heavy handed police force and a controversial event; it is almost certain that lives will be lost in the next few days.

Better many disappointed about a sporting event being cancelled then any amount dead. Sod your money; no amount is worth lives.

Friday 20 April 2012

drunken one nighter and five years in prison

I will start this post with something of a disclaimer. You might well disagree with me; you could hate the things I'm about to say, but frankly I think that Ched Evans, Sheffield United footballer and now prison detainee has been hard done by with his five year sentence given today.

Now before people jump down my throat, I do not for the smallest amount of time imaginable agree with rape; however, I do disagree with the ambiguity that the British legal system has in place in regards to this issue. There should be cast iron rules about what rape actually is. This lad has been put away because he had sex with a drunk girl who was on her own on a night out. Now where is the responsibility held by this girls friends? She had been left alone, she went home with a man, they had sex. Three tequila slammers earlier she might have consented with a clearer head; but from the information given on the case he didn't use force. This case will have been making an example.

I will reiterate, what on earth were her friends doing? 'Oh look she's too drunk to make her own decisions, let's leave her on her own and see what happens.' With friends like that who needs enemies? Also has her life been ruined when she was already enjoying the fruits of a one night stand with another footballer (who somehow got no reprisal for his actions?)

The jury has passed it's verdict, but for me the jury is still out. I think he was stupid, I don't think he's a rapist.

Thursday 19 April 2012

pro-life-computer-hackers. imbeciles.

In twenty years I've seen things that are bemusing, things that are irritating and things that are just plain strange.

All of these things, be they small, big, or in-between, have never compared to an article I found in the news today. People have been trying to hack into the computer systems of the UK's biggest abortion provider, BPAS. Why do I find this strange? Well it's not the fact it's been done, there are enough people in the world to actively disagree with abortion to attempt this; but there have been THOUSANDS of attempts. Even so, why is this strange?

Well, it would appear that you need a degree in I.T if you are going to have any chance of showing an active disagreement with abortion. Now I know a lot of I.T people and they are predominantly male. So as I see it, it is men who are trying to cause problems for the abortion clinicians. This makes no sense to me, as men cannot comprehend what the woman is going through.

Well, get a bloody grip of yourselves. I, for one, neither disagree nor agree with abortion, it is entirely experiential, it is something that I would hope that people I care for are not involved in, but less for the 'I hate the fact you are killing a baby' and more a 'wow, this must be incredibly difficult for you.' The last thing I would want for close friends or family going through the said procedure is some cretin at the other end of a broadband line interfering with the technology that is going to help them along the way with the hardest decision of their lives.

So, you thousands of men in your anonymous waves, find another way to be a pain in the arse.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

not a belieber.

I have, as many of you will already know, a very specific taste in music. I like stuff played on actual instruments and performed without intonation of the voice within one note (which admittedly is all Mariah Carey's fault).

I'm often told I'm "getting my indie on" thanks to my ridiculous dancing style or lack of intent to dance to shit. Not only are the majority of chart songs lacking in instrumental influence but also the lack of lyrical pizazz; I just don't like them for what they lack, I need songs to actually say something relevant to me. Give me 'Russian Literature' by Maximo Park over 'Baby' by Bieber. By comparison, 'more empty buildings, for invisible men, no market value to justify the price of the rent' or 'Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh.' What an offering Biebs, what an offering.

Not only that, but with pop music comes waves of fools hoping that one day their hero, for example, as my title pertains, Bieber, who exudes everything wrong with society, not so much for his music but for his incessant band of followers who have coined their own term, 'beliebers.' Now not to go on a rant for too long about the issues involved with the term, but WHAT?! I mean seriously, WHAT?!?! There's nothing to believe in, he exists for God's sake. They could claim that they believe in his ability, but this, my friends, is bollocks, because your belief in his ability is a naive belief that puberty will never directly affect his vocal chords. Here's news for you guys, it probably will, unless he's getting hormone treatment, in which case this is surely like doping in sport, but never mind.

So essentially the only thing I really want is for my music taste to be the generic taste of the world.

Or would that make it mainstream? Oh. Dear.

Saturday 14 April 2012

justification for the aforementioned non-smiling commuters.

Yesterday I got on a train in Nairn, which would take me to Aberdeen, then take me onwards to Darlington. Nairn-Aberdeen was your typical train journey; starting quietly and by the time you reach the final destination you can't move for the bags, elbows and fidgity natures of the people around you.

Then, after a long wait in Aberdeen we hopped aboard the 'nicer' train, which we would be calling our own for the foreseeable future. This is when, contrary to my previous blog, I had an epiphany as to why commuters never smile. The reason is
rude fellow passengers.

How can I justify calling complete strangers rude? Well, simply, I can't. There's no way to get an evaluation of somebody's persona without actually talking to them. There is, however, room to guess what they're like.

A fellow passenger played music loudly from her mobile. It's fair to say that whilst I can appreciate that Adele has had some smash hits in recent months I really don't care for her enough to listen to her against my will. The fact that the person playing the music didn't give me this freedom made me conclude that she was in fact rude.

And then the group that advocated the culmination of sophistication walked through the train, selling cider for a quid and talking at a volume only generally found on a nightclub dancefloor. The fact that these men lacked the social skills to talk amongst themselves at a moderate volume made me conclude that they were, much like their music loving friend, rude.

That said, I'll still smile at people who aren't, as they're suffering as much as I am.

Sunday 8 April 2012

going to scotland

Getting on the train tomorrow and going on a wonderful nine hour extravaganza of a trip to see family PROPERLY up north.

As a result this blog will probably fall by the wayside more so than it has been of late, I might get one in over the next week but in all honesty I've started to lose interest in it. I write what I think but at the moment I'm not thinking about much. Sad, admittedly, but true.

Scotland may give me some thoughts, nothing like a seaside town to explore the imagination! Might go running up the beach in a vain attempt to get a bit fitter.

Wish me luck!

Thursday 5 April 2012

avoidance of getting fat.

A four-months-too-late New Year's resolution; Larry got back to the gym today!

That, alongside a hangover was admittedly not my greatest idea. My physique, whilst apparently good is actually waning under the strain of excessive alcohol consumption and over-eating. Time to get on a treadmill and eat some pasta and drink something healthy without my usual pint-big mac-pint-big mac habit interrupting it.

I'm amazed that this phenomenon has only just hit my body. Twenty years of eating the most I physically could, every single day and now I can't and I need to diet (well, not diet but be more sensible). Boo-hoo.

Going to cook a chilli tonight. WIN! (mainly because if you ate chilli every day you would NEVER get fat. Little fact for you there guys, use it if you wish.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

bad weather = broken body clock.

None of us ever really want to get out of bed, particularly those of us living the student life.

Normally I'm an exception to this rule. Recently, however, I've found myself more tired than usual. Why is this? Lack of exercise is probably a lot to do with it. Also, and presumably most importantly, is that I never actually stop thinking about everything. I over-think. For some reason this isn't working for me any more- I've always done it; went through school as the friend of the properly clever kids; and sixth form with similar intellect surrounding me- I had to be clever, or if not clever then at least witty, quick, sharp.

So now I have a dilemma. Continue as I've always been or try and change? I'm twenty; I've been like this since I was eleven; but it's getting me nowhere now. Will it ever? Has it ever? I don't know, wish I did. Will it take more effort to change who I am than it will to try and rediscover how I did it before? It's fair to say that uni hasn't helped at all. Also; as my title pertains, the weather hasn't either.

Not usually one to complain about the weather. However, if March is warmer than April then there are massive problems. It turns my body clock on its head. If my body clock is already destroyed then I have no chance of staying awake. If it wasn't so implicitly suicidal I'd probably intend on sleeping forever.

Maybe I can stay as I am but simplify everything; wait till Summer and sit on my arse, gleefully doing nothing but drinking in the sun.

Living the dream, I know.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


This is the new finished article, Matt looks delightful, I'm sure you agree. Okay, maybe not, but this is a bad camera angle; and he hadn't showered when this one was taken but I'm sure that you'll all agree that anything beat the 70s footballer barnet he was donning previously.

Now we just have to convince his missus that he actually is more handsome this way...

Monday 2 April 2012

loan day: the simple pleasures.

To all of you students in the last few days-gone-by:

Happy Loan Day!

Just had a Woodside road trip to big Asda- bought a barbecue. This summer, as a result, will be exceptional. However, thanks to the antics of Matt and Fax I can never return to the Skyrack.

Cheers boys.

Sunday 1 April 2012

april fools day

Having got home from work at about 12:45 this morning; safe in the knowledge that April Fools Day was upon us, it was impossible not to take up a prank.

The premise was simple, the response was exceptional.

After toying with the idea of phantom pregnancies of friends, we decided a simpler concept was a burglary. Our house, to the knowledge of Hannah and Tanya (the Woodside WAGs), had been broken into, ransacked and purged of valuables. We then rang Fax, waking him up but warning him to expect a phonecall in the next five minutes or so. The panic was exceptional. Couldn't have gone better.

Matt may have taken it a bit far when he claimed that the fish was dead on the floor. What criminal is really that sadistic?

By all accounts, he probably would be.