Sunday 24 June 2012

education reform

Michael Gove has been on his high horse yet again. Trying to encourage the class divide between those who accidentally voted his party into power.

The dream of trying to get O Levels back is basically his way of saying 'there are idiots and there are their intelligent counterparts- the two must not be mixed.' Now I was by no means a clever kid. When I started secondary school the chances of me going to university looked slimmer than my physique, which at the time was alarmingly thin.

Now, at twenty, I'm a substantially brighter little button. Overall I'm not the same person I was then. I don't live in a constantly bemused state trying to make the best of pragmatic tasks that are beyond me. I'm heading for a 2:1, maybe a 1st at university, and my degree will come from the University of Leeds. It's not in doubt that I have changed academically since I was 11. It is for people like me, who are not common might I add, that show the possibilities offered by the GCSE scheme.

Granted, it isn't perfect, but if the old system was a vision of perfection then it certainly wouldn't have been changed.

Go forward, not back.