Tuesday 22 May 2012

business end of the year

It's reached that time of year again that we all have to hand in our essays, do our exams and present our findings on whatever it is we've learned. For me, third year is fast approaching and this is a terrifying prospect.

I feel completely unprepared for the real world. Education is, barring the part-time jobs on the side, the only thing I've ever known. It could be the only thing I will ever know, my career paths seem inevitably intertwined with education. I don't feel like I know anything more than when I started. I do feel more intelligent but perhaps that's just because I take more notice of things around me.

Today I have to give a presentation on Sufi Islam. Which is exciting to a degree because I find different religions consumately interesting (I'd hope so, considering the degree you've chosen, you might say) but to be honest the prospect of standing in front of a room of people trying to explain something that I don't really understand beyond what I've read is quite a nerve racking thing. I wish I could have had the last three months to actually get my head down and do some work.

That would have been wise.