We all feel pressure. Even those who, like me, pretend we don't.
It's impossible not to get snowed under sometimes, sometimes we need to find a balance in our lives that just isn't possible to locate. Sometimes we need to have more sleep, have a bath, etc..
Personally, I prefer to not obsess over the tiny details in life, leaving room for the massive stuff. Its the predominant reason for this blog. I can get rid of the overspill of thoughts and stick to the stuff I need. If we all look at our lives we'll probably come to similar conclusions, there are overcomplicated factors of our lives that we can do without, but don't because it feels like we're doing the right thing; be that in our uni life, our jobs or our romantic lives.
I'm not suggesting we should close our minds to the world, that's not practical or realistic, but we can, most certainly close off ourselves from what we don't need; once we start doing that we may actually realise the amount we don't need and start living for today.
Which, after all, is all we really can do, because today is all we have, waiting for tomorrow is a gamble.