It was inevitable, was it not, that there was going to be a little bit of uproar about last nights show 'Make Bradford British?'
This is because they showed a disproportionate amount of negative opinion about the ways in which people think immigrants can contribute to society. It's also not the first thing that the lovely people at C4 have done that has been negatively stereotyping one set of people. I'm not saying I haven't seen racism around. I'm not saying I'm condoning the fact it happens. I'm saying that it is easy to find the negatives in society, but sometimes ignorance is bliss. Sometimes it is better to ignore the blind ignorance that sits just outside your door. Sometimes it is better to accept moronic behaviour as moronic behaviour and just let it go over your head.
Before anyone says that I don't know what discrimination feels like, welcome to the world of a 6"7 man. I'm even discriminated against by inanimate things. Doorways, basement rooms and trousers, all things that cause me physical struggle. I'm not saying that this is as bad as being racially abused, but I've had that too. Being called a 'skinny white boy c##t' was the highlight of a night in Manchester last August.
I'm not saying we should all come together and love each other, I know that there is currently an obvious lack of possibility. I think the modern generation could fix this, so long as the generations that follow are integrated properly, through schooling. But for now, it is a sad state of affairs, but we must just accept what we have.
Because after all, racists are the most bigoted of folk.